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Web Site Design

Design is an crucial aspect in the development of the site.

If a site has good design it will make the maintenance and updating of the site a simple task and be cost effective.

A lot Sites that have been developed ad hoc, adding pages to the site with no structure or design, this will make the maintenance and upkeep a monster task.

Poor design results in multiple pages

  • Pages and links that go nowhere
  • Pages that are never updated
  • Pages never removed
  • A site that is twice the size it should
  • Pages that are out of date.

    Overall result is a Big mess

This will cost you in two ways,

  • Firstly in server space, paying for space you do not required.
  • Second is the cost of having some one spending far to much time trying to work out which pages need to be changed.
A good design will give you a stream lined web site that is easy to maintain and will take up the least space on the server.

  • Design
  • Appearance
  • Content