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Web Site Content

Spending time on this section is another Key to a good Web site .

The content is what people come to see, it is a balance between what you as a business want on the site and what people really want from you.

One question that is some time never asked is "why do people come to your site?".

Many web sites only deliver the company information, this can be confusing to the clients as the information is not what they are looking for. As a business tool it will become a investment in time that is wasted. Time wasted is money wasted.

The same can be said for site that are completely driven by the information clients want, your site will then miss on delivering the corporate information . This could be other services or products that you supply and could benefit your client to know what you can do for them.

So what is the answer - "balance" spend the time to develope the content that will deliver both the information that you want and deliver what your clients need.

This is sometimes not easy but with time and careful planning you can have a web site that will give you the best of both worlds.