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Web Site Appearance

An interesting layout and design is a key aspect to a good web site , it does not need to have a hundred bells and whistles or a thousand flashing and moving things on it.

Good design will help get your message across and will also help people navigate in your site.

Good layout and design aids, rather than hinders, people in using your site .

A Bad Web site is Great advertising for you apposition !

If people visiting your site can find what they are after then they're more likely to return.

A web site need to be set out in a way that people don't get lost or overwhelmed, remember

Keeping it simple

this is a very important key to the success of your web site.

But this does not mean that it has to be plain and boring.

A Major part of a good Web site is Navigation

  • If you get lost people don't come back.
  • If you get confused people don't come back .
  • If people can not find the information quickly people don't come back
If people don't come back or recommend your site then it is wasted time and money.

  • Design
  • Appearance
  • Content


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